Edwin Vazquez-Asencio

Sustainable Materials Management Specialist |

Mr. Vazquez joined RSol in 2014 as a Sustainable Materials Management working in MSW Management in Puerto Rico. Mr. Vazquez has over 10 years of community education and training experience, educating communities to organize clean-ups of illegal dump sites and developing municipal and school-based recycling programs and community education and outreach activities.

Mr. Vazquez earned a B.S. in Business Administration (Marketing), from the University of Puerto Rico; an M.BA. from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, with formal education in Biology and Ecology from the University of Puerto Rico.
He holds several professional certifications, including Potable Water Treatment Plant Operator, Level II, a Certified Recycling Promoter, and a Regional Leader of the Educational Committee of the Puerto Rico Partnership. FEMA: Natural Disaster Awareness for Community Leaders AWR-310, Planning for Disaster Debris Management MGT-460, Climate Adaptation Planning for Emergency Management AWR-347, Unmanned Aircraft System in Disaster Management AWR-345.
nagement AWR-347, Unmanned Aircraft System in Disaster Management AWR-345

Title: World Cafe – RD Apply Juncos case study
Day/Time: Thursday, 8/18 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Description: A brief presentation of the case study and the experience with the challenges to complete the task. I will share the process we used to assist multiple municipalities to initiate the process and the arguments they must include. I will discuss how we implemented RD-Apply in the process and the challenges to conform a team to complete the task.

Track: TAP Skills: Engagement
Title:  Solid Waste: Temporary Debris Management Sites (TDMS) Considerations for Design
Day/Time: Thursday, 8/18 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Description: Presenting the basic concepts and the Guides for the design and operation of TDMS. The participants will learn about the most important consideration when planning for disaster debris management, based on the experiences learned after hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico. TAPs will discuss the process of evaluation for the TDMS. The TAP will be providing guidance about how to tailor the planning for their specific area.